Chorleben - S-Chorverband

Video-Projekt: Sing mit uns, Europa!

Der Laienchor Moravski aus Kiew sucht Chöre aus Europa, um gemeinsam in einem Video die ukrainische Hymne zu singen.

Die Teilnahme ist ganz unkompliziert: Eine einfache Aufnahme mit Handy, in dem Chormitglieder die Hauptstimme mitsingen, wäre schon großartig! Professionelle Aufnahmen sind nicht notwendig und der ganze vierstimmige Satz ist nur optional.

Die gemeinnützige NGO „Art Crossing Borders e.V.“ aus Hamburg, die das Projekt unterstützt, hat eine Anleitung geschrieben, in dem alle notwendigen Informationen (Tempo, Tonart, Noten, Begleitmusik) zusammengefasst sind.

Wenn Sie teilnehmen möchten, schicken Sie bitte eine kurze Mail an (Name, Kontakt, welches Land).

Hier ist die Anleitung zu finden:

Bei Fragen kontaktieren Sie gern Julian Friedrich:  +491797034191

Original E-Mail-Aufruf des Moravski Chores

Your colleagues from the Ukrainian Chamber Choir „Moravski“ are singing the Ukrainian anthem and want you all to join them for peace and freedom!

We want to produce a video like Illia Bondarenko(

For that we have been recording small videos from our shelters and basements – sometimes under very difficult circumstances with our cell phones. And we ask you politely if you want to join us and do the same. As individuals (in Covid times) or as whole choir!

We do not know you personally but we found you via the internet and would love to have you with us!

We are proud of the positive feedback from Portugal, Spain, Finland and Poland. Choirs from Germany, France, Lithuania and Norway have already sent us their videos. It would be so great to have you as representatives of your country!!

Our goal?
We want to show the leaders of Europe that we stand together and with one voice remind them that our country, Ukraine, is a part of Europe! This is a charity project we want to sing, make a statement of unity and animate people to support charities (not Art Crossing Borders!). We will name all involved helpers and choirs but no companies or anything like that. This is really about the people! Let’s sing together!

The video?
If you want to participate, send us first a small message to (NGO) that you are interested in. With your name, email, name of the choir you represent. Then look at our material and record a video in which you sing the Ukrainian anthem individually or as a whole choir – you can find this info here: Instructions for choirs. We recorded individually, because we can not come together at the moment. Here is an example how we did it:

What is the next step?
We will collect the material hopefully from as many choirs from Europe as we can and then make a video. We will of course keep you all informed about the progress, we will name every choir that participated and we will be super happy for sure and when this is all over, we invite you to our wonderful country!

Do you have any questions? Write to us or call us! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support in these difficult times. Now: Let us sing!

All the best, warm love and stay healthy
Your Moravski Chamber Choir

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Anne_Stamer, 5. Mai 2022, Ideen, Kommentare per Feed RSS 2.0,Kommentare geschlossen.

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